Here are a few examples of the types of case studies that we are asked to Remote View.
Client confidentiality is important to us, hence we have included only general descriptions in these accounts we are sharing with you.

Case Study 1/The case of the Kidnapped man

Although Remote Viewing is not an exact science, Remote Viewers are often called upon to provide information in cases where conventional methods of investigation are either not appropriate, or have failed. The ‘case of the kidnapped man’ is one such example.

A mother had lost contact with her 21 year old son, and suspected that his disappearance had not been of his own choosing – could we locate his whereabouts?
Sandra, a Scottish Remote Viewing colleague and I independently carried out a Remote Viewing of the situation.
The summaries of our sessions were remarkably similar and these were forwarded to the client who confirmed that the buildings and location we had described in detail were known to her.
Later, the client was able to confirm that the main building we described was where her son had been detained for several months against his will.

Finding lost persons is only one way in which the skills of Remote Viewing can be fruitfully used.

Case Study 2/The Missing Girl

In Germany, a teenage girl who was distraught and unhappy had gone missing, and there were fears for her safety. Could we help locate her whereabouts?
Through Remote Viewing, a description of a location emerged that we hoped would be familiar to the searchers who knew the girl and her family.

A summary of the information accessed included;
‘The site consists of an open area like a street, or enclosed yard – empty – dimly lit.  This area was surrounded by buildings that were low and not lit although it was night time. At one end of the open area/yard was a larger building – some light. Wind and rain. Movement behind buildings which are across the yard – like trees blowing in the wind’. A sound like horses hooves on a hard surface.
This information was sent to the caller, and the response was that it sounded like the girl’s father’s farm (she lived in a different village with her mother) and he kept horses.
Fifteen minutes later a call was received to say that the missing girl had been found with the horses on her father’s farm. Mother could now relax, reassured her daughter was safe.

This was one of those rare occasions when operational tasking requested from an outside source, received direct feedback of a successful outcome in less than an hour, from start to finish.

Case Study 3/Abduction or a Runaway?

In the spring of 2006, Dr. Angela Thompson Smith was teaching an advanced course in Scotland. An urgent email from a colleague in Las Vegas alerted the group to a missing girl. The only information given that she had been missing 36 hours and the case was urgent. The students were initially “blind tasked” and then given minimal information in order to carry out the project. Their results were emailed to the colleague who passed them on to the parents of the missing girl.

The viewers provided enough information for the parents to know where their daughter was and who she was with. They were able to collect her and take her home. The viewers had correctly described the location and surroundings, the girl herself and her current location.

There is a great deal of satisfaction in contributing to a happy ending. 

Case Study 4 /A strange case of murder

As with many of the requests we receive for help, this case came to us from outside of the UK.
A man, who had been shot several times was found floating in the sea beside his fishing boat. An examination of the body and the boat provided no clues as to the motive for the killing.

RV-UK was asked to Remote View not only the event but also events leading up to the time of the murder.  We were being asked to go back in time and uncover any clues as to identity and/or the motive for the murder.
Our Remote Viewing team identified the involvement of a woman, (possibly a family member). A description of the location and activities of the woman was reported to the agent, and we were subsequently advised that a woman had been arrested in connection with the murder. 

Some past case studies carried out by Remote Viewing UK

Helping to locate two men killed in the Hotel Montana during the Haiti earthquake in 2010.

Uncovering an insurance scam. The ‘stolen’ item was not recovered however, based on our RV reports, which we discovered supported the suspicions of a private investigator that it appeared that the item had been removed by family members. The Insurance Company decided not to pay out. This decision was not challenged by the claimants.

We were asked to Remote View the whereabouts of a missing person and found that our description of the site matched the location of where the body was eventually found.

We were tasked to locate a soldier missing in the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war.

In many cases Remote Viewing can provide clients with closure.

On a lighter note, we have also found the location of missing objects such as passports, much to the relief of their owners.